Beyond the Basics:
Google Business Profiles

for Notaries Public (and other professionals)

Dive into this guide to master cutting-edge strategies for supercharging your Google Business Profile in 2023! From keyword finesse to automating posts and reviews, and even uncovering competitors' secrets, we've got the insider tips you won't find anywhere else.
Just need the basics? Google's Support pages have you covered for initial setup.

Let's get started!

Quick Note: ‘Google My Business’

Heads up! "Google My Business" (GMB) is now the snazzier "Google Business Profile" (GBP). Don't be thrown off by older tutorials still using the old name – it's all the same game, just a fresh title!

  • Command Central: Dive into, your one-stop dashboard to jazz up listings, tackle reviews, and decode insights.
  • Map Mastery: Seamlessly juggle your profile on-the-go with Google Maps integration. Stay updated, stay ahead!
  • What Your Customers See: When users hit up Google or Maps, they meet your dazzling GBP. It's where your business shines brightest, flaunting details, reviews, and snapshots. Make it count!

Why Google Business Profiles Matter

In today's digital age, the way businesses present themselves online is as crucial as their physical storefronts, if not more so. For professionals like notaries public, who often rely on local clientele and word-of-mouth referrals, having a robust online presence is critical. This is where Google Business Profile (GBP) comes into play. GBP is not just another online listing; it's a powerful tool that can significantly influence local search results and - by extension - your business's success.

The Direct Impact of GBP on Notaries Public

  • Visibility in Local Communities: GBP allows notaries to be easily found by those in their immediate vicinity. By listing their services, operating hours, and contact details, notaries can ensure that locals can reach out to them quickly and efficiently.
  • Building Trust: GBP listings often include reviews from previous clients. Positive reviews can significantly boost a notary's reputation. When potential clients see glowing testimonials, they're more likely to trust and choose that notary for their needs.
  • Interactive Features: GBP isn't just a static listing. It offers interactive features like messaging, allowing potential clients to directly communicate with notaries. You can also create social media posts and respond to comments and reviews. This direct line of communication can lead to quicker conversions and appointments.
  • Insights and Analytics: GBP provides notaries with valuable insights into how clients find them. Whether they're searching directly for the notary's name or just looking for local notarial services, these insights can help notaries refine their marketing strategies and better target their core audience.
  • Integration with everything ‘Google’: GBP is seamlessly integrated with other Google services like Search. This means that if your Google Business Profile ranks higher on Google Search, so will your web page and any Google Ads that you pay for.

When You Create a Google Business Profile

  • Mobile based: Notaries public are often mobile and don’t have a storefront. However, Google Business Profiles require a business address for verification. So you can use your home address and don't have to display it to the public (under ‘Business Information > Location’, just uncheck ‘Show business address to customers’). And to let customers know that you provide services in their area, you can choose the service area option (found in your GBP panel under ‘location and areas’).
  • Unclaimed Multiple Listings: Sometimes, businesses find that there's already a listing for their location, even if they never created one. This can happen if a customer or another individual added the business to Google Maps. In such cases, you'll need to claim the listing rather than create a new one.
    See the SPECIAL TIPS below: ‘If You Need to Claim Your Google Business’.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Not all businesses can have a GBP account. For instance, rental or for-sale properties, like vacation homes or model homes, aren't eligible. Ensure you meet the specific criteria before attempting to create an account.
  • Name Consistency: Ensure that the name you use for your GBP is consistent across all other online platforms and directories. Even small discrepancies, like "Ltd." vs. "Limited," can confuse Google's algorithms and affect your local SEO.
  • Verification Challenges: Business ownership verification is needed when creating a new Google Business Profile, or claiming an existing one, or even after having had a GBP for a while (re-verification). The most common verification is for Google to mail a verification postcard (with a code) to the business address. But it’s not always so easy.
    See the SPECIAL TIPS below: ‘When You Verify Your Google Business’.
  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing: While it might be tempting to add keywords to your business name to rank higher (e.g., "John's Notary Public - Fast 24/7 Service"), Google might see this as spammy and penalize your listing.
    See our special KEYWORD section below: ‘Keywords in Your Business Name‘)
  • Multiple Businesses: You can run multiple businesses out of one single address, but they should be in distinct market categories and each should have its own unique contact information, GBP login etc. Otherwise Google might not think that the businesses are ‘real’.
  • Multiple Locations: If you run multiple business locations for the same business name, it’s best to use the ‘bulk uploader’ for all the data (if you have 10 or more locations). For 9 or fewer locations, you can add them one-by-one.
  • Using a Virtual Office: If you're using a virtual office as your business address, be cautious. Google often flags these addresses, and your listing might get suspended. It's essential to have an exclusive physical location for your business.

If You Need to Claim Your Google Business

  • Duplicate Listings: Sometimes, you might discover multiple listings for your notary public business. This can occur if customers or other individuals added your business to Google Maps. Instead of claiming each one, determine which has the most reviews or accurate information and claim that. Report the others to Google to avoid confusion.
  • Ownership Disputes: If someone else has claimed your business (perhaps a former employee or a competitor trying to sabotage you), you can request ownership. However, Google will first reach out to the current owner (the person who claimed it) and ask them to release it. This process can be time-consuming, so be patient.
  • Verification Challenges: Business ownership verification is needed when creating a new Google Business Profile, or claiming an existing one, or even after having had a GBP for a while (re-verification). The most common verification is for Google to mail a verification postcard (with a code) to the business address. But it’s not always so easy.
    See the SPECIAL TIPS below: ‘When You Verify Your Google Business’.
  • Chain or Franchise Considerations: If your notary public business is part of a larger chain or franchise, the corporate office might have already claimed all business locations. Check with them before attempting to claim your specific location.
  • Temporary Suspensions: Sometimes, after claiming your business, you might find your listing temporarily suspended. This can be due to discrepancies in the information provided or if Google suspects spammy behavior. Ensure all information is accurate and consistent with other online listings to avoid this.
  • Bulk Verification: If you operate multiple notary public locations (more than 10), you might be eligible for bulk verification. This can save time compared to verifying each location individually.
  • Keep Evidence Handy: Especially for notaries, it's a good idea to have evidence of your licensure and business operation details handy. If there's a dispute or if Google requires additional verification, having these documents can expedite the process.

When You Verify Your Google Business

  • P.O. Box Addresses: Note: Google doesn't accept P.O. Box addresses for GBP listings.
  • Multiple Verification Methods: Google offers various verification methods, including phone, text, email, video recording, live video call, and the traditional postcard method. The available methods can depend on factors like business category, public info, region, support hours, and volumes.
  • Special note: Video verification is quite unusual compared to the traditional postcard method. This might involve recording a video or participating in a live video call to showcase your place of work, tools, and proof of management. This method can be especially useful if there are delays or issues with postcard delivery.
  • Special note: Live Video Call is more of an ‘unusual’ verification method. In some cases, if the standard verification methods aren't feasible, Google's support team might suggest a live video call to confirm the business's authenticity. This can involve showcasing the workplace, tools, and other evidence of business operations.
  • It's essential to note that the verification methods are automatically determined by Google and can't be manually selected. If there's an issue with the suggested method, you might need to contact Google's support team for assistance.

When You Choose a Category for Your Business

Primary category: Google Business Profile offers over 4000 categories to choose from for your business.
For notaries public there is the specific category: Notary Public.

It’s important to choose the category that best describes your business (because that way Google will display your business in the correct market; also, sometimes Google offers special business-relevant features that appear based on the primary category).

Secondary category: You can also choose several secondary categories. Google advises businesses to choose only those categories that are directly relevant to their business. There isn't a specified limit on the number of secondary categories.

INSIDER TIP: Discover Competitor Categories
A clever technique for choosing secondary categories is to find your top 3-5 competitors on Google Search (search for something local-to-you like “San Diego notary public” or “SoCal notary and loan signing”).
Then bring up those businesses in Google Maps and right-click on the business description and choose ‘View Page Source’.
Then in the HTML source code each of those Maps Google Businesses, you will be able to find all of their secondary categories listed next to their primary category.

If you also use the same secondary categories as your top competitors, you will be able to compete directly with them for higher ranking.

The Phantom Chrome Extension helps automate all of this:

Impressed by our competitor category tip? At, we've got more hidden strategies to elevate your online presence. Dive deeper with us and unlock the secrets to digital success! Let's thrive together.

What Are Keywords, and How Can They Improve Your Google Business Profile?

Understanding Keywords

Keywords are specific words (or phrases) that potential customers might type into a search engine when looking for services or products. For a notary public, examples of keywords might include:

  • Notary public
  • Document authentication
  • Signature witnessing
  • Mobile notary services
  • Notarized affidavits

Think of keywords as the bridge between a potential client's Google-search and your business. By incorporating these terms into your description, you increase the chances of your business appearing in relevant search results.

How to Find Top-ranking Keywords for Your Business

  • Google's "People also ask" and Autocomplete: Start by typing "notary public" or related terms into Google. The autocomplete suggestions and the "People also ask" section can provide insights into what people are searching for.
  • Google Trends: This tool allows you to see the popularity of search queries over time. By entering potential keywords, you can gauge their relevance and search volume.
  • Keyword Research Tools: Platforms like SEMrush, AHREFS, or Ubersuggest can provide a list of keywords related to notary services, along with data on search volume and competition.
  • Competitor Analysis: Look at other notary public profiles or websites. What keywords are they using? While you shouldn't copy their descriptions, this can give you ideas for relevant terms.

Crafting Your Google Description

Google does not allow you to write your own basic business description that appears on the header at the top of your business profile (that description is created by artificial intelligence based on everything else that you enter into your Google Business Profile).

But you DO have complete control of what you can type into your ‘From the Business’ description (which appears further down in the profile, under the client reviews). This description is not easily visible to everyone who looks at your business profile, but it is definitely used for ranking higher in search results.

Crafting a compelling ‘From the Business’ description is both an art and a science. It's an opportunity to tell your story, highlight your services, and connect with potential clients. But beyond the narrative, it's also a strategic space to incorporate relevant keywords that can boost your visibility in search results.

With a list of potential keywords in hand, it's time to craft your description. Remember, the Google Business description has a character limit (currently 750 characters), so every word counts.


"John's Notary Services specializes in document authentication, signature witnessing, and notarized affidavits. Serving the San Diego area, we also offer mobile notary services for your convenience. Trusted by businesses and individuals alike."

In this example, several keywords are naturally incorporated into the description without making it sound forced (Notary Services, document authentication, signature witnessing, notarized affidavits, San Diego area, mobile notary service).

The Challenge of Character Limit

The character limit can be a double-edged sword. While it ensures descriptions are concise, it can also be limiting when trying to incorporate multiple keywords. Here are some tips:

  • Prioritize: Not all keywords are created equal. Focus on the most relevant and high-volume keywords for your business.
  • Be Natural: Avoid "keyword stuffing." Your description should read naturally. If it sounds forced or unnatural, potential clients might be put off.
  • Use Variations: If you can't fit one keyword naturally, consider synonyms or related terms. For instance, instead of "document authentication," you might use "document verification." (in 2023, and for the last couple years, Google Search has been using artificial intelligence to connect ‘related’ search terms, so you no longer need to match potential clients’ exact search terms)

Keywords in Your Business Name

A Google Business name can be up to 80 characters long. In the quest to achieve higher visibility and rankings on Google, some businesses might be tempted to "stuff" their business names with keywords. This tactic involves adding extra words or phrases, which are not part of the actual business name, in the hopes of appearing more relevant for certain search queries. For a notary public, this might look like changing a business name from "John's Notary Services" to "John's Notary Services - Document Authentication, Signature Witnessing, Mobile Notary in New York." While this might seem like a clever strategy on the surface, it can have detrimental consequences.

Google's guidelines for representing your business on Google are clear: "Your name should reflect your business’s real-world name, as used consistently on your storefront, website, stationery, and as known to customers." This means that adding extra keywords or descriptors that aren't part of your official business name is against Google's policies.

Consequences of Keyword Stuffing

  • Penalties and Suspensions: Google actively identifies and penalizes businesses that violate its guidelines. This can result in your listing being demoted in search results or, in severe cases, suspended entirely.
  • Loss of Trust: Potential clients value authenticity and transparency. If they notice that a business is trying to game the system, it can lead to mistrust. This is especially crucial for notaries public, where trust and integrity are paramount.
  • Inaccurate Representations: Overloading your business name with keywords can lead to confusion. Potential clients might be misled about the services you offer or the nature of your business.

Appropriate Use of Keywords in a Business Name

  • Inherent Part of the Name: If a keyword is an inherent part of your business name, it's entirely appropriate to include it. For instance, "Smith's Notary Services" naturally incorporates the keyword "Notary Services" without feeling forced.
  • Descriptive Subtitles: Some businesses use a primary name followed by a descriptive subtitle. For example, "John's Legal: Notary & Document Verification" provides clarity about the services offered without overloading the name.
  • Geographic Indicators: If your business primarily serves a specific region or city, it might be appropriate to include that in the name. "Denver Notary Professionals" or "Lakeside Notary Services" can be both descriptive and keyword-rich without being spammy.
  • Specializations: If your business has a particular specialization, it can be beneficial to include that in the name. For instance, "Mobile Notary Express" or "24/7 Notary Solutions" convey specific services that potential clients might be searching for.
  • Avoid Repetition: One keyword or descriptor is usually enough. Instead of "John's Notary Public Services & Notary Solutions," a simpler "John's Notary Services" is more straightforward and avoids redundancy.
  • Branding with Keywords: If you're starting a new business or considering a rebrand, think about how keywords can be naturally integrated into the brand name. For example, "SignSeal Notary" or "CertifyMe Notary Services" can be both brandable and keyword-relevant.
  • Avoid Generic Terms: While it's tempting to include terms that have high search volumes, avoid generic or broad terms that don't specifically relate to your business. Stick to keywords that genuinely represent your services.
  • Test and Feedback: Before finalizing a business name with keywords, test it out. Seek feedback from colleagues, friends, or even potential clients. Does the name convey what you do? Is it clear and memorable? Feedback can help ensure that the name strikes the right balance.

Dive deeper with! Beyond just keyword insights, we offer a full suite of SEO strategies tailored for your business. Let's unlock your full digital potential and get you noticed!

Engaging with Your Audience in Your Google Business Profile

Google Business Profiles offer a section for engagement (‘social media’) posts. These are found under ‘Add update’ and can be updates, offers or events.

Clients can also write business reviews. Typically, a business will not be able to delete a review, if it was written by a legitimate client, so the best thing to do is to promote ‘5-star’ service as much as possible.

  • Your Direct Review Link: If you have a client that is likely to leave you a 5-star review, make it easy for him/her to get to your reviews page, by sharing your direct review link. In your profile admin panel you can find it under 'Ask for Reviews'. There you'll find your personal review link. Print it on a card, make a QR code, have it ready to go!
  • Respond to Reviews: Responding to reviews is an opportunity to promote your services in the case of good reviews,... or explain why you may have received a bad review.
INSIDER TIP: The Power of Automation
Automations, often referred to as ‘integrations’, are the modern-day magic wands for businesses. Automations allow for seamless interactions between different applications, ensuring that repetitive tasks are handled automatically, saving time and ensuring consistency. For notaries public, who often juggle multiple responsibilities, automations can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to engaging with their audience on Google Business Profile (GBP). One popular tool that professional marketers use for creating GBP automations is Zapier. With this tool, you can:
** Automatically get notified when a new client review is submitted. This could be done in many different ways. For example, you could get instant Slack notifications for new GBP reviews, ensuring you're always in the loop. You can also automatically create new rows in Google Sheets for every new GBP review, making data management easier.
** Automatically create posts at certain times and/or on certain days. You could also make the same GBP post appear on other social media accounts like Facebook or X.

Ready to supercharge your GBP with automation? Dive into! We're experts in crafting tailored automations, from Zapier to cutting-edge AI tools. Whether it's discerning review sentiments or syncing posts across platforms, we've got the magic touch to elevate your digital game. Let's automate and innovate together!

Why Automations Matter for Notaries Public:

  • Timely Engagement: With the help of automations, notaries can ensure that they're promptly responding to reviews and feedback, enhancing their reputation.
  • Consistency: Automations ensure that certain tasks are handled the same way every time, ensuring consistency in your online engagement.
  • Efficiency: Instead of manually checking for new reviews or posts, automations can handle these tasks, freeing up time for other essential duties.
  • Enhanced Online Presence: By integrating with platforms like Instagram or Facebook, notaries can expand their online presence, reaching a broader audience.

Products and Services

For service-oriented professions like notaries public, the 'Products and Services' section on platforms like Google Business Profile offers a unique opportunity to showcase expertise and cater to specific client needs. While notaries don't sell tangible "products" in the traditional sense, their array of services can be presented in a manner that resonates with potential clients. Here's how to creatively and effectively use this section:

1. Categorize Your Services:

  • General Notary Services: This can include witnessing signatures, bulk signings, and administering oaths.
  • Specialized Notary Services: Highlight niche areas, such as notarizing estate planning documents, business contracts, loan signing agent, or international documents.
  • Mobile Notary Services: Emphasize if you offer on-the-go services, traveling to clients' locations for their convenience.

2. Use Descriptive Titles and Detailed Descriptions:

Instead of just listing "Document Verification," expand with a title like "Document Verification for International Travel." Accompany this with a description: "Ensure your travel documents are authenticated, making international journeys smoother."

3. Highlight Unique Selling Points (USPs):

If you offer 24/7 services, expedited services, or have multilingual capabilities, make sure these stand out. Such USPs can set you apart from competitors.

4. Incorporate Visuals:

While notaries public might not have tangible products, visuals can still be powerful. Consider using:

  • Infographics: Detailing the notary process or why certain documents need notarization.
  • Photos: Of your office setup, showing a professional environment.
  • Icons: Representing different services, making the list more visually appealing and easier to navigate.

5. Bundle Services:

Create service bundles for common client needs. For instance, an "Estate Planning Bundle" might include notarization of wills, power of attorney, and advance healthcare directives at a discounted rate.

6. Update Regularly:

As laws change or as you gain additional certifications and can offer more specialized services, ensure your 'Products and Services' section remains up-to-date.

7. Incorporate Client Feedback:

If clients frequently request a specific service or express appreciation for a particular offering, highlight that service. Client testimonials can also be powerful, so consider integrating a few (if the platform allows).

8. Use Actionable Language:

Phrases like "Get your documents authenticated today!" or "Need a last-minute notary? Contact us!" can drive action and make potential clients more likely to reach out.

Thank you for taking the time to delve into this tutorial on Google Business Profile optimization. We genuinely hope that the insights and strategies shared have equipped you with the knowledge to enhance your online presence. Should you require assistance in creating or refining your Google Business Profile, or perhaps in areas of web design and SEO, don't hesitate to reach out to us at We are here to ensure your digital journey is both impactful and successful.

Published on:

Wednesday, September 20, 2023